Real Estate as a Career? Am I Crazy?

by Alex Munoz on November 16, 2011 · 0 comments

When I first started and told people for the first time I wanted to become a real estate broker, I got a look of, “do you have any idea what the market is like right now?” I have a very detailed answer to why I decided to go this direction but one simple motivating factor, when people are running away from a challenge why not face it head on?

Four or so years ago when we were in the thunderclap market offices were filled to the max with brokers, anybody and everybody who seemed to have good people skills could make a living in this field. Today if you think real estate is a career for easy and fast money think again. New and experienced brokers today are dealing with a down economy, decline in the housing prices, strict lending standards, and job security, but if you want to sit on the couch and complain go right ahead. The one greatest thing about my job is there is always a market.

Today brokers are working harder than ever to create a healthy living but there is opportunity out there. This job can be very rewarding and there is no limit to your potential. Everyday I show up to work and there is something new going on. It is crossed armed opposites of the factory line worker. If you want a job that has endless rewards and that is as unpredictable as the Seattle Seahawks give me a call and I will let know how to get started.

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